Alfred Appleby Cup.
1940 Winners. J.W. "Robbie" Robison and
W.S.A. Brown
Henleaze B.C.
1950 Winners. J.V. Watt and J.W. Robison.
Henleaze B.C.
W.S.A. Brown
Henleaze B.C.
1950 Winners. J.V. Watt and J.W. Robison.
Henleaze B.C.
Alan Apsey and Pete Owens, Winners 1983,1986,1987,1988. Bristol B.C.
Winners 2010. Ken Lane and Debroy Gregory.
Portishead R.B.L. B.C. Winners 2008. Ray Pugh and Terry Lewis.
G.B. Britton B.C. Winners 2011
Ken Lewis and Mike Lewis. Ardagh B.C. Winners 2000, Will Matthews and Eric Seavill,
Ardagh B.C. Winners 1993, John Whelan & Alistair Binnie.
Page Park B.C. |
Winners 2015. Joe Hardwick & Ken Tudor.
Olveston & District B.C. Winners 2012. Reece White and Paul White.
Knowle B.C. Winners 2006, Terry Lewis and Ray Pugh
G.B. Britton B.C. Winners 2002, Les Barnes and Bob Johnson.
Bristol B.C. Winners 2005, I. Thompson and Alan Rosling.
Knowle B.C. |
Peter Brimble
Winner 1960 with George Brett Bristol B.C. Winner 1963 with John Griffin Bristol B.C. Winner 1971 with George Leitch Bristol B.C. Winner Roy Hennessy [picture] 1989 1981
with Les Hales IMPERIAL B.C. |
Winners 1969,
Arthur Rowett [pic] with Ron Wring. National Smelting B.C. 2021 Winners.
Andy Gadd & Jim Russell. Redland Green B.C. |
Jack Drysdale & Ted Mangan.
Olveston & District B.C.
Jack Drysdale & Ted Mangan.
Olveston & District B.C.
Winners 1994
Tony Hodgkinson and John Richardson
B.A.C.[B.A.W.A.] B.C.
Tony Hodgkinson and John Richardson
B.A.C.[B.A.W.A.] B.C.